Social Media Marketing Strategy – The Complete Guide For Small Business in Kenya
Having a social media strategy is an essential tool for any Kenyan small business to reach a large audience and gain more customers. In this guide, we will look at the benefits of a social media strategy for small businesses in Kenya and what you need to do to start using it today.
The benefits of social media for small business
Social media can help your business in a number of ways.
- Increase sales. If you post content that your customers find interesting and valuable, they’ll be more likely to visit your shop or website and purchase from you. This is especially true if they know what they’re looking for, so make sure that the things on your social media pages are consistent with each other. That way, it won’t be too much effort for them when they want to order something.
- Increase brand awareness and loyalty by posting things that keep people engaged with what’s happening in their lives (like solutions to their day to day problems). This will also help increase traffic to the website—and if there’s one thing we all know about search engines like Google , it’s their love affair with user-generated content (UGC)!
What is social media?
Social media is a group of internet-based applications allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. These platforms are used by millions of people worldwide to create personal profiles, post status updates, share photos and videos, follow other users’ activities online, etc.
The term ‘social media’ is often used as shorthand for social network sites such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. There are many other types of social networking software available which fit into this category (for example: LinkedIn).
How to use social media for small business?
Social media is a proven way to grow your business and attract new customers, but it’s also a great way to keep in touch with existing ones. You can use social media to:
- Promote your business. The best way to generate leads is by getting people interested in what you do, which means promoting yourself on social media! Share your products regularly. Post about upcoming events, post about discounts and deals for loyal customers, or even host contests where people can win prizes just by posting about them on their accounts (and then sharing the post).
- Engage with your customers. No one likes being sold on something they don’t want—so make sure that engaging with your followers doesn’t feel like salesmanship! Instead of asking them questions only once every few weeks or months (when there’s usually little time left before closing time), ask questions throughout the day so people feel like they’re part of an ongoing dialogue rather than simply another sale opportunity.
Social media is a great channel to reach new audiences and build brand awareness, but it requires careful thought and planning. If you’re not using the right tools, your posts may end up going viral on Facebook instead of helping grow your business. Let’s at tips for using social media effectively:
Use carousel ads
Carousel ads are a great way to illustrate your product or service in a visually appealing way. They’ll show up on the right side of your screen when you scroll through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
To create carousel ads on social media:
- Create an ad for each platform (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) separately.
- Create 3-4 images that include all the parts of your product or service and add captions that explain why it’s so great (or why customers should buy it).
- Choose one image from each platform as the “hub” image—this will be the main part of your ad that gets shown first when people scroll down their feed on social media sites like these ones!
Mix your content
Mixing up your content is a great way to keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have to say. If you post about only one thing, it’s easy for people to get bored or frustrated with the same old thing over and over again.
You should also make sure that each social media platform has different types of posts that appeal more strongly than others. For example, if someone wants brand awareness on Facebook but doesn’t mind seeing an ad from their friends every now and then there are plenty of options available such as sponsored stories or promoted posts.
On Instagram however where users often post pictures instead of text-based content these two options aren’t likely going down well so try posting something funny instead!
Don’t just post in a vacuum
It is important to remember that social media is a conversation. You should respond to comments, engage with influencers and create a community. If you want your brand or product to be successful, you need to interact with people who will spread the word about it in their own way.
Stay engaged with the community you build
Engage with your followers. If you’re going to market your Kenyan business through social media, it’s important that you interact with the people who follow your account. It’s also important that they feel like they have a voice in the conversation and can communicate with you directly.
Respond to comments on posts and share content from other accounts in response (or even create original content). This shows that you care about their needs as well as their opinion, which will make them more likely to continue following or interacting with everything else on your page!
Make sure you’re measuring success
Social media is an important part of your marketing strategy and you need to measure your success. You can use social media tools like Facebook Analytics or Google Analytics to track the performance of your posts on social platforms.
These tools will give you information about how many people are viewing them, how much time they spend reading them, what topics are getting attention from users and more.
The key is that these tools aren’t just for measuring how well you’re doing in terms of reaching out – they also help you understand what’s working well with customers so that it becomes easier for your business to create content around those topics (and vice versa).
Social media is a great channel to reach new audiences and build brand awareness, but it requires careful thought and planning.
Social media should not be used as a one-size-fits-all solution for any Kenya business or marketer. Instead, it should be viewed as a tool that can help you achieve your goals in different ways depending on what kind of company you are and how your audience engages with you online.
While there are many ways to use social media as a marketing tool, it’s important to remember that every channel has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Pinterest can be an incredibly successful way to reach new audiences but it requires more time and effort on the part of the user.
The key takeaway here is that you should always test out different strategies before committing yourself fully – this will help ensure that your efforts are optimized over time instead of wasted due not knowing what works best!
How to create great content for social media marketing strategy
As we have seen, social media marketing is a great way to reach new customers and build your business. It’s also been shown to be more effective than traditional advertising, so it’s important that you use the right tools and tactics in order to get results.
The first step towards creating great content for social media marketing is having a clear idea of who you’re trying to reach, what kind of content will help them when they see it, and how they want people to react when they see it.
You need to have a clear idea of who you’re trying to reach.
- You need to have a clear idea of who you’re trying to reach.
- Don’t just think about your own personal tastes and interests, but also the needs, wants and desires of the people you want to reach.
- Understand their needs, wants and desires by asking questions like: “What do they want?” “Why are they engaging with us?” “How can we help them?” If possible, get someone on board who is familiar with those topics (not just in your company) so they can provide some context.
Define what you want to achieve with your content.
Before you start working on content, it’s important to define your goals. What exactly are you trying to achieve? Do you want more followers or likes? More engagement with your brand? A better reputation?
Then think about the type of content that will help achieve these goals. Is it a video post with a short script and explanation of what happened in the past week or month?
Or is it going into more depth with data and facts about your industry, product or service in order to educate potential customers on why they need yours now more than ever before – which could result in higher sales/revenue growth over time (and therefore bigger profits).
Think about what kind of content the people you’re trying to reach will find helpful.
Think about what kind of content the people you’re trying to reach will find helpful.
- What is it that they want?
- What are they looking for, and how can you help them get it?
- Do they have a problem or need that your product or service solves?
Be authentic and show your humanity.
The best content is always real and honest. You want to show your humanity, not just your product or service. Show that you’re not afraid of being vulnerable, or having a personality, or having a point of view.
When creating content for social media marketing, try to be authentic in everything that you do—even if it’s hard at first!
Make sure that you’re providing value, not just promoting your business.
You need to provide value, not just promote your business.
The first step in creating great content for social media marketing in Kenya is making sure that you’re providing value and not just promoting your business.
You can do this by:
- Helping people with their problems – whether it’s answering questions on Twitter or sharing tips and tricks on Facebook. If a user has a problem they want solved and they find yourself as the person who can help them solve it, then give them what they want! This will help build trust between the two of you which will lead to them following both of your accounts (and ultimately buying from you).
- Sharing stories about industry news – attend conferences? Write an article about something interesting that happened there? Share some customer service stories via Twitter or Instagram hashtags like #customercareattolife…this gives followers another reason why they should follow both profiles instead of just one or two because now there are reasons behind everything posted!
Research hashtags that are being used in your industry.
- Use a hashtag for your brand.
- Use hashtags to increase your reach.
- Use hashtags to find new followers and content that is relevant to your business.
Don’t be afraid of being controversial.
The best content is the kind that people love to share and talk about. And when it comes to social media, your audience is looking for something out of the ordinary—something they can’t find anywhere else. They want something fresh, unique and unexpected.
If you want to make your content stand out from all of the rest, don’t be afraid of being controversial or taking a stand on something important (or even trivial). People love talking about things they disagree with; this is why there are so many online forums where people can vent their frustrations online!
Build up a following on social media by posting consistently.
To build up a following on social media, you need to post consistently. Posting too infrequently or posting too often will damage your credibility and make it more difficult for people to follow your brand.
Consistency is key when it comes to posting content on social media. Some brands publish new content once every few days; some do so several times per week; and others post daily or even multiple times per hour (like Twitter). How often should you publish? That depends entirely on the type of content being produced and its purpose in relation to the target audience for whom it’s intended.
For example, if you’re running an ecommerce business selling shoes online in Nairobi then chances are that many customers won’t be checking out every day—they may only look at their feeds once a week or even less frequently if they’re focused on other things instead such as watching tiktok clips while stuck in traffic.
Having a clear plan for success can help you create great content for social media marketing.
To create great content for social media marketing, you should first know your audience. Who do you want to reach? What are their interests? How can you help them?
Next, use social media to build an audience of people who are interested in what you have to say. That means creating relevant posts that engage with those individuals—and making sure they see those posts every time they log into their accounts or search for keywords related to what they’re looking for.
And finally: don’t be afraid of being controversial! If someone doesn’t agree with something that’s posted on one of your accounts (or anywhere online), it might be because they haven’t been exposed enough yet; but more likely than not, people will get angry at something (or someone) out there who says things like “I don’t care about diversity!” or “Women shouldn’t be allowed into this field!”
These kinds of statements can cause plenty of problems when communicating across platforms like Twitter or Facebook; however if handled correctly then these types of comments could actually prove beneficial towards helping us understand each other better instead!
With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating great content for social media marketing. You’ll also find that the process is a lot easier than you think.
Just remember that it’s all about having a clear idea of who you’re trying to reach and what they need from your business in order for them to feel like they can trust you enough to buy from your site or become customers.
Social media can be used by any small business to reach more customers, increase sales, and improve brand awareness.
Social media is a great way to reach more customers, increase sales, and improve brand awareness.
- Reach More Customers All over Kenya
Social media allows you to connect with potential customers who may not be aware of your products or services. By posting content on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram that highlights your products/services and gives customers an opportunity to interact with you through comments, likes and shares (likes), you can build trust in their minds that they should consider buying from you when the time comes for them to make a purchase decision.
Social media is a powerful tool for small businesses to use in order to market themselves and their products. This article has provided you with an overview of the basics of social media for small businesses, and steps to take if you want to start using it today!
If you need help marketing your Kenyan business on Social Media, feel free to reach us at 0724 047 741 or email info@nullkevsamsolutions.com